Cyber/space. Localizations in art and science

“Projektmodul” at Bauhaus-University Weimar (Media Environments)

The project examines “cyber” and “space” as technological and scientific fields and subjects of artistic practice: Cybernetics, computer art, interaction, networks and space are put into relation to each other in order to develop contemporary positions in art and design – projects dealing with real and mediated space and the interconnections between both.

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Locative Arts – Neue Erzählung des Raums?

Laura Popplow, Lasse Scherffig: Locative Arts – Neue Erzählung des Raums?, in: Regine Buschauer, Katharine S. Willis (eds.): Locative Media. Medialität und Räumlichkeit – Multidisziplinäre Perspektiven zur Verortung der Medien /Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Media and Locality, Transcript, Bielefeld, 2013, 277-295


Installation, 2012

Antenna, radio receiver, computer, custom software

Tapping into the communication infrastructure of global travel and transport, the installation planes uses an antenna and a radio receiver to receive and decode messages from commercial airplanes. Using the flight and plane identification numbers of each plane, an image of that very plane is downloaded from an internet archive and displayed on screen.

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Liquid Spaces

Residency project in Cluj, Romania

“Liquid Spaces: Dynamic Spatial Models in Art and Technology” is a residency project in Cluj/Romania bringing together international artists working with interactive models of spatiality.

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Overview: Lectures and Seminars

Lectures and seminars at Köln International School of Design (KISD, as professor since 2018), San Francisco Art Institute (assistant professor 2015-2018), Bauhaus University Weimar (visiting professor in 2013), at the Department of Design of Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (2013-2014), and at the Academy of Media Arts (KHM) Cologne (2006-2012). Courses vary from introductory to graduate level and comprise foundations of programming and physical computing for the arts, generative design and interaction design, as well as media art and design projects.

Lectures within the curriculum of these schools are accompanied by workshops conducted in cooperation with other institutions.




