Expanded Animation, Summer School in Vilnius

At the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Lithuanian Song Festival, KISD students are showing audiovisual works in the Visitor Center of the Lithuanian Parliament in Vilnius.

The works deal with the cultural heritage of the song festival “Dainų šventė”, which is listed by UNESCO as an intangible world cultural heritage. In the works, new animation technologies such as 3D reconstruction, generative graphics and generative ‘artificial intelligence’ are used.

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Hidden Layers Conference

At KISD, we will host the second edition of Hidden Layers Conference from June 12 to 15. The event brings together a diverse group of experts to collectively discuss and learn about artificial intelligence in design. Organized by the research project KITeGG on design and AI, it combines a public program of talks, an exhibition and workshops with internal meetings of the five art and design schools involved in the project.

Attendance is free and the public program will run from Wednesday evening, June 12, to Friday afternoon, June 14.

More information will be available in late May at www.hiddenlayers.de

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Hidden Layers Summer School

At Köln International School of Design, we are hosting the summer school Hidden Layers from July 18 to 22. The event gathers a diverse group of experts to collectively discuss and learn about artificial intelligence in design. It is held by the research project KITeGG on design and AI and combines a public program with talks, an exhibition and workshops with internal meetings of the five art and design schools that are part of the project

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