Expanded Animation, Summer School in Vilnius

At the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Lithuanian Song Festival, KISD students are showing audiovisual works in the Visitor Center of the Lithuanian Parliament in Vilnius.

The works deal with the cultural heritage of the song festival “Dainų šventė”, which is listed by UNESCO as an intangible world cultural heritage. In the works, new animation technologies such as 3D reconstruction, generative graphics and generative ‘artificial intelligence’ are used.

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Animation in X-Reality. Summer School in Vilnius

Animation in X-Reality is a Summer School on the expanded field of animation: motion capture, 3D scanning, augmented and virtual reality, interaction, and creative artificial intelligence. It is organized at the Department of Graphical Systems at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in collaboration with Köln International School of DesignTampere University of Applied Sciences and Academy of Media Arts Cologne.

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Politics of the Machines: Rogue Research

In an intervention at the international conference Politics of the Machines: Rogue Research, students of KISD and HS Augsburg present work that critically deals with machine learning and artificial intelligence. The presentation titled “Training to Deal with Otherness” is the result of the work in three study programs dealing with design and/of technology: the Integrated Design BA and MA program of KISD, the Code & Context program of TH Köln, and the Hybrid Things Lab of Hochschule Augsburg.

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RoboLAB: an inclusive art space for Cologne

Opening exhibition with contributions by KISD students

On September 6, a new space art space and event series is opening in Cologne: RoboLAB 2020. The first event is the show Circolaris that takes place in the walkable and accessible sculpture of the same name, created by Odo Rumpf in Odonien. This sculpture will provide a lasting space for inclusive, accessible and multi-genre art and culture projects.

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Print is not dead/The post-digital condition at Künstlerhaus Dortmund

How does design look in times of the gig economy, template culture, scripted layouts, and the standardized interaction and aesthetics of the responsive web? What is the design potential of last year’s tools and devices we already have forgotten? How can we show work and projects while our audience is immersed in their own smartphones? In a collaboration with FH Dortmund, a group of KISD students exhibits work dealing with questions like these under the title “Print is not dead/The post-digital condition.”

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