Our FM radio installation Signal to Noise is shown during interference.io in the garden of De Binnenpret, Amsterdam.
Solar Wind Aeroscope at Strange Weather, Science Gallery Dublin
The Solar Wind Aeroscope is part of the exhibition Strange Weather at Science Gallery Dublin.
Computerspielen. Perspectives of Play
Jonas Hansen, Thomas Hawranke, Mischa Kuball, Lasse Scherffig (eds.): Computerspielen. Perspectives of Play. Verlag der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, Köln, 2014
Elektrischer Reporter: Slow Gaming
For a feature for Elektrischer Reporter/ZDFinfo, my friends at HickPix interviewed me about slow gaming, not-playing in game art, and simulators of daily life, such as Farming Simulator or Bus Simulator: Elektrischer Reporter 094: Langsame Spiele, ein Filmkritiker und Wissenschaftsspenden.
Signal to Noise (working title) at Opekta
Tincuta Heinzel and I present our work-in-progress radio installation Signal to Noise (working title) at Opekta Studios, Cologne.
Signal to Noise
Installation, 2014
In cooperation with Tincuta Heinzel
“Signal to Noise” is a radio based audio installation dealing with the concreteness of ideological discourses and the imaginary of the “Other”. Using two FM radio transmitters and a number of mobile radio receivers, the project creates a volatile acoustic space in which two concurring voices and ideologies compete by broadcasting on the same frequency. Carrying mobile radios, listeners permanently enact an ever-changing soundscape by moving through the space in which both transmitters interfere.
Solar Wind Aeroscope
Installation, 2014
In cooperation with Jonas Hansen
The Solar Wind Aeroscope is an artistic instrument dealing with atmospheric conditions that depend on “space weather:” a storm of electromagnetic particles from the sun that constantly affects our atmosphere. It uses an Internet connection (in the gallery) or a radio receiver (in the wild) to tap into a global network of amateur HAM-radio stations known as WSPRnet. Through this network, the Aeroscope can “see” the atmospheric conditions caused by the solar wind. Continue reading
Form & Code
A seminar at Fachhochschule Dortmund, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Faculty of Design.
Walk/Play. Locative Arts and Games
A seminar at Bauhaus-University Weimar in cooperation with Thomas Hawranke that discusses and puts to use technologies and artistic/playful practices of dealing with space.
Instant 2 Student Exhibition
Instant 2 is an exhibition by design students of Fachhochschule Dortmund, University of Applied Sciences and Arts. As a quick and improvised exhibition it occupies and adapts the premises of a vacant bank at Dortmund Borsigplatz.