Our project Colossal Cave Adventure — The Movie is part of Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin 2023.
Continue readingTransform 2023
I will be at Transform 2023, Conference on AI, Sustainability, Art and Design at Trier University of Applied Sciences, that is part our KITeGG project. Meet me there.
Continue readingArtificial Intelligence in Design Teaching, Learning and Research at TH Köln
As part of the lecture series Research-based Learning at TH Köln’s Department of Cultural Sciences, Laura Wagner, Jakob Kilian and I are talking about “Artificial Intelligence in Design Teaching, Learning and Research.”
Continue readingChanging scientific production in design at IASDR 2023, Milan, Italy
I am participating in a panel at IASDR 2023 in Milan, Italy, on scientific production in design. The panel addresses the question of publishing design (research): How is scientific production and publication in design renewing and transforming to better respond and serve to the needs of the research community and have a real social, politic and economic impact? How can design publication enable the emergent diversity of knowledge?
Continue readingAnimorphosis at Kunsthalle Darmstadt
Animorphosis, a 12-minute video-loop based on generative statistical models (or “artificial intelligence”), by Thomas Hawranke and myself is part of “Animalia. Streifzüge von Los Angeles bis Mumbai” at Kunsthalle Darmstadt.
Continue readingDiscussing AI in Art and Culture at Siegerlandmuseum, Siegen
I will participate in a panel at Siegerlandmuseum in Siegen’s Upper Palace to discuss the changing role of artificial intelligence in art and culture with a group of experts.
Continue readingThe Planning Game at ISEA2023
Reshape Forum at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd
As part of the KITeGG project, I will be at Reshape. Forum for AI in Art and Design at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd.
Continue readingBeyond Prompt-engineering at TH Köln, Department Research Day
The Department Research Day of the Department of Cultural Studies at TH Köln is dealing with ‘memory artefacts.’ I am talking about generative AI as active archives and how we can access them beyond prompt-engineering.
Continue readingAdversarial Animation. Summer School in Tampere, Finland
Adversarial Animation is a summer school at Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK), co-organized by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Academy of Media Arts Cologne, and Köln International School of Design.
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