Sonnenwindperiskop / Solar Wind Periscope

Installation, 2011
In cooperation with Jonas Hansen

The Solar Wind Periscope is an artis­tic instru­ment visu­al­iz­ing atmos­pheric con­di­tions that depend on space weather. It uses a radio receiver to mea­sure HF radio sig­nal range and relies upon a global net­work of ama­teur HAM-radio sta­tions known as WSPR­net. It was devel­oped for The Weather Tun­nel Project at Translife Tri­en­nial 2011 and is part of an ongo­ing inquiry into weather beyond earth.

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$GPGSV: Satellites in View

Lasse Scherffig: $GPGSV: Satellites in View, in: Mindaugas Gapševičius (Ed.): Migrating: Art: Academies:, EESI, KHM and VDA, Angoulême, Köln and Vilnius, 2010, 258-267 › PDF (4.8 MB)