Lasse Scherffig (2024): KI als Werkzeug und Medium. In: ZKM (Hrsg.): Warum KI unsere Museen intelligenter macht. Karlsruhe: ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, 63-68. (ISBN 978-3-928201-67-4 )
There are 55 posts filed in Publications (this is page 1 of 6).
Hund: Gassi gehen im Latent Space
Lasse Scherffig, Thomas Hawranke (2024): Hund: Gassi gehen im Latent Space. In: Ina Bolinski, Thomas Hawranke, Stefan Rieger (Eds.): Virtuelle Tiere: Lebewesen zwischen Code und Kreatur. Bielefeld: Transcript (Virtuelle Lebenswelten), 101-126 (Open Access)
Hidden Layers — rrrreflect Special Issue and video recordings
rrrreflect. Journal of Integrated Design Research has published a special issue with our conference proceedings of the 2024 edition of Hidden Layers. In addition, recordings of the talks have been published.
Continue readingApproaching the Aesthetics and Materiality of Hidden Layers
Matthias Grund, Lasse Scherffig (2024): Approaching the Aesthetics and Materiality of Hidden Layers. In: rrrreflect. Journal of Integrated Design Research, Special Issue 1: Hidden Layers, 1-6 (Open Access,
Hallucinating canines: Google DeepDream’s taxonomic heritage
Designing on the Micro-scale
Simon Maris, Lasse Scherffig: Designing on the Micro-scale, in: Manuel Kretzer (Hrsg.): Synthetic Realities. New Frontiers in AI-driven Design, Fabrication and Materiality, AADR – Art Architecture Design Research, Bamberg, 2024, 116-123 (
rrrreflect. Journal of Integrated Design Research
At KISD, we are publishing a new journal: rrrreflect. Jornal of Integrated Design Research.
rrrreflect is a digital open-access journal that publishes outstanding work of student and faculty design research at KISD as well as guest contributions under the Creative Commons license CC-BY. It is published online and archived as a publication series by Cologne Open Science.
Continue reading“Some Kind of Actual Space” oder: Cyberspace als kybernetischer Raum
Lasse Scherffig: “Some Kind of Actual Space” oder: Cyberspace als kybernetischer Raum, in: Carolin Höfler, Philipp Reinfeld (eds.): Mit weit geschlossenen Augen. Virtuelle Realitäten entwerfen, Brill | Fink, 2022, 81-104 (
CON 457 (planes)
Lasse Scherffig: CON 457 (planes), in: Processing Foundation (eds.): Processing Community Catalog, The Processing Foundation, New York, NY, 2022, 790 (Open Access)
The Unfolding Space Glove: A Wearable Spatio-Visual to Haptic Sensory Substitution Device for Blind People
Jakob Kilian, Alexander Neugebauer, Lasse Scherffig, Siegfried Wahl: The Unfolding Space Glove: A Wearable Spatio-Visual to Haptic Sensory Substitution Device for Blind People, in: Sensors, 22(5): 1859, 2022 › PDF/Web (open access)