At KISD, we are publishing a new journal: rrrreflect. Jornal of Integrated Design Research.
rrrreflect is a digital open-access journal that publishes outstanding work of student and faculty design research at KISD as well as guest contributions under the Creative Commons license CC-BY. It is published online and archived as a publication series by Cologne Open Science.
With this design research journal, we open up an experimental field for textual and non-textual forms of knowledge, including image, video and sound. In doing so, we enter into a dialogue with the current discourse on the scientificity of design research and at the same time refer to the sensual dimensions of perception as epistemically constituting.
In addition, the journal in an experiment in student-led publishing as well as establishing peer-review mechanisms in design research. It was developed in close collaboration with students of KISD, who also maintain the journal and oragnize the peer-review process.