in Concept and Organization, Teaching

Shoot your pain away at HURRA HURRA Festival

KISD is going to BURG Halle to join HURRA HURRA, a festival on rethinking design education. At the festival, we will build a shooting gallery targeting our pains with academia.

Dosen, Dope & Dopamine – Shoot your pain away

Within this hands-on 3h prototyping and concept scene-of-destruction-workshop we will build an shootable outlet to target our pain within the world of academia. Within a framework of a gamified shooting gallery, designed and built by us, we will deal with construction, deconstruction, reconstruction, arming, demolition and targeting. On a content level we pose questions of the necessity of competition, pressure of administration, autonomy and schedule structures, and of course interactive design methodologies. We will ask for new ways of learning through feedback and reward systems.

October 4-6, 2019
Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle

Our contribution is created by 9 students of KISD, Prof. Nina Juric, Prof. Andreas Muxel (of HS Augsburg) and myself.