After participating in the Utopian Cities, Programmed Societies summer school, a group of KISD students takes part in an exhibition of the summer school’s results at Fabrica de Pensule in Cluj, Romania.
“Utopian Cities, Programmed Societies” is a research project organized by Dana Diminescu and Tincuța Heinzel and co-financed by AFCN – The Romanian Agency of the National Cultural Fund. KISD participation is supervised by Mara Siegel and myself and financially supported by TH Köln.

KISD students: Tamara Bertran y Kaiser, Sukanya Deepak, Konstantin Hehl, Vincent Johnson, Lars Köppl, Matthew de Kretser, Elena Lohmann, Kevin Paterka, Audrey Pety, Edoardo Pirrodi, Sophia Nan Wu
Exhibition: November 7-December 6, 2019
Opening: November 7, 6pm
The Paintbrush Factory
Henri Barbusse street, 59-61
400616 Cluj, Romania
Photo: Roland Vaczi/Wikipedia