Animation in X-Reality is a Summer School on the expanded field of animation: motion capture, 3D scanning, augmented and virtual reality, interaction, and creative artificial intelligence. It is organized at the Department of Graphical Systems at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in collaboration with Köln International School of Design, Tampere University of Applied Sciences and Academy of Media Arts Cologne.
KISD is contributing a workshop on collaborating with and appropriating artificial intelligence for filmmaking. Multimodal image synthesis with AI techniques such as generative adversarial networks and text-guided diffusion models will be combined with conventional image and motion techniques. The workshop is conducted by Lisa Marleen Mantel and Laura Wagner and organized in collaboration with our research project KITeGG on design and AI.
Dates and Location
May 23-June 4, 2022
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania
KISD faculty
Lisa Marleen Mantel, Laura Wagner, Lasse Scherffig
KISD students
Maxim Diehl, Alex Koch, Johannes Growe, Charlotte Holke, Joshua Probst, Bessie Normand, Samia Rachid, Bea Timmermann
Partner Institutions