Collaborative project, since 2020

RoboLAB is a sculpture, workshop and gallery for inclusive and accessible art in Cologne’s famous underground culture location Odonien. In a series of student-led research projects, KISD students here work with artists from the disability community, prototyping interfaces that incorporate the diversity of human perception and action.
The goal of the project is prototyping an accessible Odonien while understanding usability not from the point of view of unquestioned normality and the abilities it implies. Instead, the focus is on co-creation, a do-it-yourself and do-it-with-others spirit, and on an “aesthetics of access” for which accessibility does not constitute an add-on, but an integral part of the creative process.
As an ongoing long-term collaboration that started in 2020, the project has received funding and support from a variety of partners, including the TH Köln transfer fund
- RoboLAB project website
- KISD project documentation (Summer 2021)